We are deep in helping dental hygienists who are re-submitting their QA Records this month.
If you are getting audited next January 2022, we STRONGLY encourage you to reach out to us NOW! Don't wait until....
....until you have more hours.
....until you start adding to your SMILE Portal.
....until you are almost done.
....until you are done.
This is an important professional document that you need to submit only once every 5 years! Make it count. Submit a portfolio that is successful on the first submission.
Many of the dental hygienists that we are helping felt like they "knew what they were doing", that they "have been audited a few times before and passed", that they "didn't think they needed help".
These are all really great dental hygienists, who are so on-the-ball. They just needed some help with implementing their learning and the changes they made to their practice and the benefits to their clients.
And yes, you can get angry and say "Well, why can't we just submit hours?" or "Why do I have to explain my learning?" "Why don't they just come in my office and see what I am doing?"
We were given a variety of options about 7 years ago because people complained about our Quality Assurance program.
You can have the CDHO come to your office to do an in-office audit and complete the QA Test (Option 3).
You can do the Practice Profile and complete the QA Test (Option 2).
You can do the Practice Profile and submit your Learning Portfolio (Option 1).
But what we cannot do is submit hours.
Submitting hours of CE doesn't show that one has learned and made an attempt to improve and enhance client care.
I remember, back in the day, when people would show up for a course, collect their hours and leave before lunch!
Submitting a Learning Portfolio is a great way for you to:
a. Plan your year ~ What goals or topics are you interested in this year? Complete 2 or 3 every year (8 - 10 hours) and voila! You are on-track! This can also get you engaged and excited about the year you have planned for you and your practice.
b. Reflect on your learning ~ What did you learn and how can you make change happen to enhance and improve client care? What are your next steps?
c. Stay current ~ by creating SMART goals every year gives you an opportunity to stay current which is great for you, your practice and your clients!
We have many clients who hire us as their QA Coach every year, even if they are not getting audited, to help them plan their year!
This is what we do!
Just as rdhu, as a company, would never do our own bookkeeping and preparation for our year end for our accountant without our wonderful bookkeeper Diane and team, perhaps you need a coach too, Pearl!
I can't imagine the CRA auditing us without the support we get from our accounting department.
With that, we can no longer help anyone who is contacting us as we are SOLD OUT for re-submission.
Have a great week ahead. Please take a look below for what is coming up!
Thank you for reading and your continued support.
Kindest regards,