Kathleen's Blog - February 23, 2021
February 23, 2021 at 5:00 AM
<strong><span style="color:rgba(178, 150, 199, 1)">Kathleen&#x27;s Blog - February 23, 2021</span></strong>

Do you have a positive attitude at work and home?

Having a positive attitude can be your super power. Especially during these trying days.

Having a positive attitude is a choice. It's not necessarily something that you are born with but the power is within you to change.

Positive people attract positive people and good things happen!

How can you tell if you are a positive influence on others?

- you recognize the negative but you see the good

- you focus on the positive in a negative situation

- you get knocked down but you are very aware and choose not to be there for too long

- you don't participate in office gossip or family politics and don't talk negatively about someone

- you don't blame others for your situation

- you don't moan and complain looking for sympathy

- you live in the present moment and you show up!

- you greet people with a smile (even under our masks, they know if you're smiling)

Most negative thoughts and messages aren't conscious and we may not even be aware of them. Positive thinkers are aware of those messages they're telling themselves and the direction they're taking them. They don't go down that rabbit hole of negativity -- they catch it and reverse it around.

What you do each day matters. Reading or listening to positive podcasts and books is a great way to get you in that mindset.

How you show up matters.

You could be the positive influence for everyone around you!

Each morning and night think of all that you are grateful for. Write it down. Say a prayer of gratitude every night. In the morning write your 3 most important things that you would like to accomplish for the day to set the stage, to create your day by design, and when you get to check them off, it helps boost the dopamine for accomplishing something. That's what I do and it feels good.

Thank you for reading and have a great week ahead. Please take a look at below for what is coming up!

Kindest regards,
