Kathleen's Blog - April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021 at 4:00 AM
<strong><span style="color:rgba(178, 150, 199, 1)">Kathleen&#x27;s Blog - April 6, 2021</span></strong>

A case-control study was conducted and recently published in the ‘European Federation of Periodontology’s ‘Journal of Clinical Periodontology’, showing the association between periodontitis and severity of COVID‐19 infection. The study found that COVID-19 patients with periodontitis were 3.5 times more likely to be admitted to intensive care, 4.5 times more likely to need a ventilator, and almost nine times more likely to die compared to those without gum disease!

A recent study was published in the International Dental Journal which was a 12-week trial and included the new Oral-B iO Oscillating-Rotating with micro-vibrations power brush, Stannous Fluoride, CPC Rinse and Floss. The clinical findings were of such: The group (with gingivitis) that were on a manual brush with Sodium Fluoride improved by 20%. The group with the iO power brush and Stannous Fluoride improved by 80% and the group who incorporated the new Oral-B iO Oscillating-Rotating with micro-vibrations power brush, Stannous Fluoride, CPC Rinse and Floss improved by 100%.

We know that 80% of our clients present with some form of periodontal disease.

The fight is real. The studies are there. The time is now.

We are excited to share that we are holding a special contest this month, with Crest & Oral B, to help celebrate Oral Health Month!

During the month of April, track how many clients you convert from a manual brush to an Oral B power brush (with Genius or iO). One conversion = 1 ballot! At the end of the month send us your number of conversions. For every one you convert fo power, your name will go in the draw. The more you convert, the more entries and chance you have to win!

You can either have the power brushes available for your clients or take orders and share your professional discount with them.

We will select 5 winners!

Please send in your tracking sheet by Wednesday, May 5th. A tracking sheet will be sent out tomorrow.

The winners will be selected and announced on Friday, May 7 on our show The RDH View! (*you don't have to be present on The RDH View to win). (Please note, this contest is being run separately for 123dentist practices).

Let’s change the odds and not shoot for 20 out of 100. Let’s shoot for 80 or 100 out of 100!

If you are available tomorrow, Wednesday, April 7th, join Beth Parkes and myself live on rdhu's Facebook at 12pm EST where we will announce the contest along with some other initiatives that can help you in your practice. Let's celebrate Oral Health Month together! It will be recorded if you can't make it live.

Thank you for reading and have a great week ahead. Please take a look below for what is coming up!

Kindest regards,
