Kathleen's Blog - October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022 at 4:00 AM
<strong><span style="color:rgba(178, 150, 199, 1)">Kathleen&#x27;s Blog - October 25, 2022</span></strong>

I am here finishing preparing for my presentation that is happening this Friday in Toronto with Spectrum. We will also have an exhibit there and are happy to support this event!

One of the opportunities I am excited to share in my presentation is the Ambience Face Shield. I know many of you are familiar with this product as they have won 4 Product of the Year awards!

This is a story of innovation at its best!

Dr. Yamaoak is a practicing dentist in Vancouver and after returning to work and needing a face shield, he couldn't find one that fit over his loupes. His son, Zach is a Dyson Engineer. So together they created, after 58 prototypes, the Ambience Face Shield. They saw a need and they were innovative and came up with this!

This past Saturday, I presented for a group from Dental Corp on 'The 8 Simple Secrets on Being Indispensable in the Dental Practice'! This is a program that I love to share, which I have also turned into a series of articles for the Oral Hygiene publication. Part 1 of the series will be out shortly. If you would like to subscribe to this publication, it is free and always provides great content.

One of the 8 Secrets that I share is how you can become innovative!

Over the years, whether practicing clinically or running my dental instrument business (which I have now sold) or rdhu for the last 13 years, I always look at what is missing. What is the need and how can I improve this and fill the void? How can we improve X to deliver Y?

It doesn't mean that you have to come up with creating a revolutionary anti-glare visor which uses Nanotechnology for 10x less reflection than standard face shield visors and that with proper care, will last you 1 year or more before needing to replace the visor alone.

But it could mean that you are being innovative by taking the lead in a program and creating the program to implement into your practice. It is about taking stock of what's in front of you and making changes for the better!

It could be an Instrument Maintenance Program where you streamline each op with the kits that you need in a typical day. How many healthy or gingivitis clients do you see? How many perio clients based on your Staging and Grading assessment do you see in a day? By switching up your kits so that they aren't all alike, you will not only feel more engaged in your day, as you will be using different instruments; but it will help with costs (as we don't need so many instruments in every kit), and it will ensure that you have the instrument you need to provide the best care. I have attached a sample of the Decision Tree for Instrument Selection (in both Sharpen-Free and Stainless option) and a Worksheet fo you as a download below. If you would like to go over this more with me, I am getting together with a small group of dental hygienists (virtually with cameras on) on Sunday, November 6th. I would love for you to join me!

Another example of being innovative, could you lead a Laser Program for the dental hygiene op? Start with one op. Join us and get educated and trained on lasers. Implement the laser in the one op successfully, then go to the next op and do the same!

There are many ways that we can be innovative! Stay tuned for more secrets to being innovative next week!

To learn more about the Ambience Face Shield, please visit the Curion website!

Have a great week ahead! Please take a look below for what is coming up!

Kindest regards,
