Kathleen's Blog - April 8, 2020
April 8, 2020 at 4:00 AM
by rdhu
<span style="color:rgba(178, 150, 199, 1)"> <strong>Kathleen&#x27;s Blog - April 8, 2020</strong></span>

I had quite a day yesterday...hence, On-Track-Tuesday is being delivered on Wednesday!

Last week Wednesday, my computer crashed and yesterday I found out that they couldn't retrieve my files. The technical issues continued...

Bad timing, right?

Anyhow, today is a new day. Got up...dusted myself off and here we are! Another beautiful sunny day.

Boy, we are all living on a roller coaster of emotions these days but I think over all for me, I have been able to sustain a positive mindset. I hope you have been too!

One of the things that has really worked for me is diving into my work, connecting with my team and strategizing on ways to look forward to the future.

I know many of you are diving into your Continuing Education Online and I think that is a great idea! What better way to keep your mind growing and learning new things versus being stuck in a place based on fear and uncertainty.

We have been really trying to do our best here at rdhu to give back to our community. We know that we are all in different situations at this time....

  • some of you are being audited this year
  • some of you aren't being audited this year but would like to keep up with CE
  • some of you are working for an office that is encouraging and supporting you to continue with your CE and organizing some team CE
  • some of you are taking advantage of the time off to catch up on CE
  • some of you are experiencing financial stress

...just to name a few situations!

We are here for you and we want to support you as best as possible. Please, if there is anything in particular that you need, reach out and we can create a package that can help you.

I am currently working on a campaign for dental offices/dental hygiene offices to stay connected with your patients and your clients. Please click on here to see the video and register at www.rdhu.ca/covidplan if you would like more information that will be delivered shortly.

Below you will find a variety of ways that we can help you by offering some FREE events, and resources. We will be creating 'complete bundles' for your learning portfolios to full-day events that have been transformed from being held at rdhu to now being held online!

We are bringing rdhu to your living room. So whatever works below, for your situation, we hope to help out as best as possible.

Please stay safe! My heart is with you and your families.

Kindest regards,
